This novel features a colony of the most statuesque (and some would also say, the most handsome) of all penguin species. Although this revamped Director’s Cut   is based on a fable, the facts and research also include an informative abstract of the continent’s epic meltdown crisis caused by the devastating effects of continuing climate change. The story begins with a gathering of Emperor Penguins who prepare to setoff on the first long march of the season and headed to their rookery some 70 miles from their territorial waters. This yearly odyssey will be a nonstop journey and the penguins cannot stop once their journey begins. This narrative is so multifaceted it’s difficult to describe the import of the upcoming adventure, except to say the portrayal along the way is as though the reader is part of the penguin community. Hence, bundle up, folks. . .where this escapade  takes the reader is indeed well below freezing. On the other flipper, the developing storyline will warm your hearts and have you cheering for the success of the novel’s featured colony of Emperor Penguins.
